Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Baby's First Blog!

Welcome to the very first post for Communiversity and our brand new Blog!!! What the "h" is Communiversity, you may be asking yourself... and we would be happy to tell you!

Communiversity is a branch of the University of Missouri Kansas City. We are a nonforprofit organization that is dedicated to creating a "Free University." Okay, so what does that mean?
Let me put it like this: Have you ever wanted to learn how to Hula Hoop with the best of them? What about improving your Mexican cooking skills? Want a better a understanding of Mutual Funds and Financial Statements? Then, come one and come all to Communiversity!!!! And trust me, the list goes on and on!!!

My name is Layna (That's me on the left, with my fiance Joel- so back off, I'm taken). I'm the new Work Study, a.k.a., "low woman on the totem pole" here for Communiversity and I will do my best everyday to write a little about some of the classes we offer for free to UMKC students and for a nominal fee for members of the community, because I'm sick and tired of people saying, "There is nothing to do in Kansas City!" You could fill up a summer with stuff to do just by picking up a Communiversity Catalog or going to our website! Ta Ta for now!

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