Monday, July 16, 2007

Just Another Manic Monday

Are you humming the ever popular 80's tune? Well, it is a Manic Monday here in the office of Communiversity and there's no time for humming! Our deadline for our fall catalog is quickly approaching (Like this Friday) and we are desperately seeking (Susan- J/K. Another 80's thing) new classes and new volunteer teachers. Our goal is to always stay abreast of what you want to do and see as far as things to do in Kansas City.

One of the hardest and most frustrating parts of our jobs is finding people who sincerely want to serve the community. All of our teachers/conveners are volunteers- they do not get paid. That's a hard pill for some people to swallow now-a-days. "What? I have to give up a couple of hours of my time and not get paid?" Its like we're asking for a kidney! Here are some of the perks to joining the Communiversity Family and teaching classes:

Getting to meet people with similar interests
Developing/working on your public speaking skills
Looks great on a resume
Increases public awareness of your skills and expertise
Helping People in Kansas City
Giving Back
Saving the World one life at a time
Must I go on?

So call us at 816-235-1448 or email us at or visit our website for more info!

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