Thursday, July 5, 2007

Stuff to Do in Kansas City July 7th!!!

Holy Moly! We have a lot going on with Communiversity this weekend!
Here are some of the classes we are offering this weekend:

#1018A Knotting Between Beads

Knotting between beads can insure longer life for your beaded jewelry. Learn the art of knot tying between beads and to repair and restring existing items. Go home with a finished item. Tools will be furnished and for sale. Bring $15 to class for supplies.Convener: Juanita Collins Class Fee: $9Number of Sessions: 1Meets: 7/7/2007; 10:30:00 AM - 12:30:00 PMNortheast Library, Commons Area6000 Wilson Rd., KCMOLimit: 6

#4302B Falun Dafa

After a brief introduction of Falun Dafa you will learn 5 sets of exercises.Convener: Brian J. Kuang Class Fee: $9Number of Sessions: 1Meets: 7/7/2007; 1:00:00 PM - 3:00:00 PMWestport Roanoke Community Center3601 Roanoke, KCMOWest on 39th Street, Roanoke is 1 light past SW Trafficway, take a right on Roanoke, go 3 blocks, after 2 blocks road turns to brick, Community Center is on the rightLimit: 20

#6306A Stones & Other Oracles

Among the most ancient arts, the reading of oracles has always held a fashion for men. Learn to tap the awareness of your inner mind and the universe. Choosing stones will be covered as well as actual practice in the techniques of reading them. Tape are recorders welcome. Bring $2 material fee to class.Convener: Michael White Class Fee: $9Number of Sessions: 1Meets: 7/7/2007; 2:00:00 PM - 4:00:00 PMWhite, J701 Pawnee Ln., Belton, MO30 minutes from midtown KC or Overland ParkLimit: 15

#7104B Introduction to Horsemanship
Always wanted to learn to ride? Learn about the safe handling of the horse covering grooming, saddling, history and behavior. This is not a trail ride! You will actually learn something about horses in this fun-filled class, located on 300 acres north of the river. Ages 5 years and up, welcome. Participants will be eligible to sign up for additional riding lessons, separate from Communiversity. Call Communiversity for a map to the farm. Please bring carrots for the horses and $15 to class for horse and equipment rental and refreshments. Jeri has an Animal Science and Veterinary Industry degree and has taught horsemanship for over 20 years.Convener: Jeri Lee Yagello Class Fee: $9Number of Sessions: 1Meets: 7/7/2007; 1:00:00 PM - 3:00:00 PMWind in the Willows Farmnear KCI Airport (contact Communiversity for map), KCMOLimit: 15

#4001A Kundalini Yoga for all Levels

It has been said that yoga enhances spiritual awareness and understanding as well as physical performance. Come join us and learn techniques of breath control, physical exercises, as well as mental focusing and meditation. Be sure to wear comfortable clothes. This is a yoga class you can do!Convener: The Yoga ManClass Fee: $9Number of Sessions: 1Meets: 7/7/2007; 1:30:00 PM - 3:00:00 PMWestport Roanoke Community Center3601 Roanoke, KCMOWest on 39th Street, Roanoke is 1 light past SW Trafficway, take a right on Roanoke, go 3 blocks, after 2 blocks road turns to brick, Community Center is on the rightLimit: 20
So, if you are interested in taking any of the classes, you'd better hurry up and call us at 813-235-1448. I (Layna) won't be in here tomorrow, but April or Julie could set you up.
Communiversity... making dreams come true. Well, maybe not, but at least we're giving you something to do in Kansas City!

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